atmospheric scientist




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1·Tony Lupo, an atmospheric scientist from the University of Missouri, has been looking at the question with some Russian colleagues.
密苏里大学的一位大气科学家Tony Lupo和他的俄罗斯同事们一直致力于观察这个问题。
2·“I’m extremely pleased with what’s been happening, ” said Michael B. McElroy, an atmospheric scientist at Harvard University and a senior member of the group.
“我对目前出现的进展感到非常高兴,” 哈佛大学的大气科学家迈克尔·麦克罗伊表示。 他同时也是该团队的高级成员。
3·But two U. s. researchers, a transportation expert and an atmospheric scientist, decided the time had come to apply blue-sky thinking to one of the world's greatest challenges.
4·In 24 engaging lectures, you explore the often surprising, always intriguing workings of the weather, guided by expert atmospheric scientist and Professor Robert G. Fovell.
5·“That’s a real concern and question, ” said James Russell, an atmospheric scientist at Hampton University and the principal investigator of an ongoing NASA satellite mission to study the clouds.
“那是真正要关切和质疑的,”詹姆斯·拉塞尔说。 他是汉普顿大学的大气科学家,也是美国航天局正在进行中的卫星飞行任务中研究云团的首席研究员。
6·"What we've shown in this assessment is that we do need to act sooner rather than later," said Donald Wuebbles, an author of the report and an atmospheric scientist at the University of Illinois.
“这份评估报告告诉我们,应该尽早采取行动,不能再拖延时间。”报告的作者,伊利诺伊大学大气科学家Donald Wuebbles说。
7·Solomon is a scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
8·Peggy LeMone, senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, did the Numbers.
9·You're listening to Carol Turley, a senior scientist at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory in the U.K. Her research confirms that oceans are acidifying from atmospheric CO2.
您正在收听的是栏目组对资深科学家卡罗尔·特里的专访。 卡罗尔·特里来自英国普利茅斯海洋实验室。
10·Dr Robert Pitman, a Marine scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in California, took the stunning images of the pod going in for the kill.
更新时间:2025-02-22 14:37